哈哈哈哈哈,謝謝Ms Ho,今天真的非常感謝您,讓我們一家有機會坐在一起共同努力增進了解,願意去調整自己。這本身已經是非常重要的事,遇到您是我們的幸運,我非常相信Archer的底色和調整能力,然後也會盡自己所能做好自己這部分,也會好好愛自己😘❤️ 真的謝謝您🌹
Hi Ms Ho想跟您分享兩件事,我們都覺得好開心。昨天中午在您那裡結束parenting的課程後,我就回深圳去工作了,晚上7點我就跟Archer視頻問他晚上媽媽要工作到很晚,可不可以不回香港,週六一早回來。姥姥就在旁邊教他說「你跟媽媽說,可以的,那你明早盡早回來就好,你好好工作」,Archer也跟著學「好的,媽媽,那你明早盡早回來,你好好工作」。後來9:50左右Archer還沒睡打給我,然後我就嘗試用您教的技巧對話 Archer:媽媽我想你回來 我:喔,Archer你想媽媽回來,媽媽知道了,嗯 Archer委屈:是,我想你回來 我:媽媽知道了,你想我回來。可是呢,現在真的很晚了,如果我現在回來香港,路上還要很久,你會不會擔心媽媽不安全,而且到家很晚,你會不會心疼媽媽太辛苦呀! Archer不說話,好像聽進去 我:媽媽答應你明天一早回來,帶上你要的打印機,按照我們約定的,來接你畫畫課下課,好麼 Archer雖不情願但沒鬧。然後就只一下子哭著說「媽媽我想你,好想你」(沒有說媽媽你回來了) 我:你躺下來閉上眼睛睡覺,媽媽不掛電話,一直陪著你睡著 然後奶奶和姥姥兩個哄睡了。早晨起來也沒有起床氣,都很順利。我也帶著禮物按約定早晨趕回來接他下畫畫課。還給他點讚鼓勵他,感謝他關心媽媽
Archer 媽媽 May 2024
好 麻煩你了 我見到佢呢2次都有表演 唔會抗拒 好感動 之前佢都只會企係度 而家佢係學校都有係其他家長面前跳舞 做得好好👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 我諗佢係你度得到好多鼓勵🥰🥰🥰 感恩軒軒可以遇到你 🥰
King Kin 媽媽 Jun 2024
Thank you Miss Ho for your incredible help and teaching over the last few months. Your dedication and support has been invaluable to Arianna and us. We are truly grateful.
Arianna Mama Jan 2024
Charlotte’s Big Achievements 1. Sit properly during the interview 2. ⁠answer all the questions, and very confident and clear 3. ⁠say hi and goodbye to the teachers 4. ⁠if she doesn’t know how to write or the answers to the questions, she will say I don’t know. 5. ⁠when she wanted to talk to mommy when mommy is having conversations with the others, she will say Excuse me.
Charlotte mama May 2024
Thanks for all the hard work from mummy and miss ho ho! All these helped her to become more focused. We went out hiking last sunday she managed to go all the way to the peak without much complaining!
Charlotte Daddy May 2024